Introduction to Meditation

Mondays 7- 8 p.m.
March 24th - April 28th
$60.00 for the 6-week course

Course is held at Many Waters Wellness Center

800 Sprague St, Walla Walla, WA 99362

Although this course is designed for beginning meditators, more experienced meditators will also benefit because every time we sit it’s with beginner’s mind.


In each class you will receive a guided meditation practice with ideas for ways to practice at home both in sitting meditation and in your daily life.  There will be time for discussion and questions along with teachings to reinforce each form of meditation.  You will learn and practice breath meditation, meditation in the body, walking meditation, metta (loving kindness meditation) and even eating meditation.

After 6 weeks you will have everything you need to establish a regular meditation practice.  You may find yourself with less anxiety, more relaxation, better focus and even more joy.

In 1986, Terri began practicing Mindfulness Meditation.  She trained in Master’s Level Buddhist Studies courses at Naropa Institute in Boulder, CO. and following her training began offering meditation courses in 1994.  She regularly attends silent meditation retreats from 7- 30 days.